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Dress To Kill: A Guide To Shooting Suits

Samantha Fenwick

Updated: Nov 16, 2020

Customer James Brocklhurst in his bespoke M&F suit.

It’s Autumn again, the weather is changing, we are saying goodbye to our summer wardrobe as winter looms upon us. It is also the official starting of ‘Shooting season’. The gentleman's past time known as ‘Shooting’ is a quintessentially British sport that began to take off in the 1500’s. The ‘shooting suit’ has since become a key component of any countryman’s wardrobe and this archaic sport, once famously enjoyed by King Henry VIII, is not just a chance to show off your marksmanship skills but also becomes the modern countryman’s catwalk show.

A shooting suit is the perfect blend of practicality and traditional British style. One of the most important choices you have to make when purchasing your bespoke shooting suit is the cloth. At Morgan & Fenwick we only recommend British tweeds, the coarseness of the British sheep’s wool creates a heavy density cloth which helps to shield you from the abrasive British winter. It usually comes in brown and green shades but more recently cloth merchants and designers have innovated this iconic British cloth and you can now expect to see bright orange and purple suits dawn the field on shoot day.

The beauty of having a bespoke shooing suit made is that you don’t have to compromise on the fit. Although this is true for any style of bespoke suit, with a shooting suit it is crucial to the comfort and enjoyment of your day. The armhole and chest area are crafted perfectly to ensure your movements aren’t restricted and the inclusion of an ‘action back’ allows you extra elasticity across your back, so when your aim is off you can’t blame your stuffy, ill fitting, 'off the peg' suit…

Our shooting Jackets can also be equipped with larger ‘bellows’ style pockets. This style of pocket has been used throughout history by many cultures on military uniforms, they allow the wearer to carry extra cartridges with greater ease. The breeks are probably more important than jacket in many ways. It is very rare you will find an off the peg break that fits length and width. These classic double pleated pants not only give you extra manoeuvring room but are fully lined with cotton, for comfort and warmth. After your shooting drive you might have included in your day package a lunch or dinner where you are required to change into smarter attire. Shooting suits are often made with an extra pair of smart trousers, a waistcoat and even a shooting vest, everything you will possibly need to complete the look.

Sketches by Samantha Fenwick.

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